The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

THMS 154: The Mind-Body Healing Connection And The Power Of Movement Meditations - With Tristan Truscott



There’s a lot more to healing than meets the eye. Whether you’re healing from a tough workout, or healing from a chronic heart condition, numerous forces have to come together make it happen. Hormones, lymphocytes, inflammatory cytokines, and several other intelligent entities in your body take action to set the ship right when things go wrong. You can either help or hinder your system from doing it’s job. And these are the facts. If you get a big cut on your arm, and you pack the cut full of crumbled up M&M’s, chances are it’s not going to heal properly. However, if you apply some fresh aloe, and you take some natural anti-inflammatories that also support recovery, like the active compound in turmeric (curcumin), you are supporting your body in normal healing. So, yes, nutrition and smart hygiene matter in recovery, but there’s something else that gets overlooked. Research shows conclusively that your mind and thoughts have a huge impact on the healing (or lack thereof) of your body. Stress, pessimism, w