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TMHS 152: The Anatomy Of Success



When I was in college, there weren’t any classes on success. There wasn’t a Success 101 course. If there was, I would’ve been there. There were a lot of classes on the fundamentals… math, science, writing, and even courses dedicated to our majors (like business, engineering, computer science, and health), but there wasn’t any classes that taught us how to put it all together. I’m charged to report that even the best colleges in the world fail to teach us how to actually be successful in our chosen field, let alone in life in general. Right now it’s more important than ever to grab the study of success by the horns. Life, health, and happiness can quickly run away from you if you’re not fortunate enough to know what makes a successful life versus what allows us to just get by. Recently, I felt that my formal education experience could lend a hand by giving a framework to discuss what success really looks like. Anatomy is the study of structure or the internal workings of things. Today we’re going to be breakin