The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

TMHS 122: Why Your Environment Shapes Your Body And How To Move Your DNA - With Guest Katy Bowman



This conversation with biomechanist and award-winning writer Katy Bowman instantly changed my life. Because I’m a very analytical person, sometimes I like to know the WHY before I jump head over heels into something. Katy broke down exactly why movement matters so much, and how myself and many others are fooling ourselves when it comes to living an active lifestyle. Even though I’ve been exercising for many years, and I even appeared to be fit on the outside, I was actually in the growing number of people who are classified as “actively sedentary”. This was a serious gut check for me. According to the research, even though exercise is awesome and incredibly good for us, it’s not tapping into our best genetic expression by a long shot. You see, even if you work out for an hour a day, you are still only four percent more active than someone who doesn’t exercise at all! That four percent absolutely makes a difference, but when it boils down to it, one hour of activity doesn’t hold a candle to what we do the othe