The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

TMHS 110: Weight Loss Breakthroughs, Accountability, And Getting Fit2Fat2Fit - With Drew Manning



Our health resides in a delicate balance.   Each and every day, the actions we take are leading us towards health or away from health depending upon the decisions we make.   One week of "dirty bulking" or "falling off the wagon" can cause tremendous harm to our bodies that science is just starting to understand. No matter how healthy you may be, if you and I start guzzling strawberry sodas by the case for a week and go in to get our blood work done, we'd both likely be diagnosed with pre-diabetes pretty easily... and this is just in one week!   Now, what if we were to stretch that out, say, six months? And this time, not guzzling strawberry sodas (strawberry was obviously my favorite), but instead simply consuming the processed, "wholesome" package foods that much of our society subsides on... what do you think would happen with our health?   Well, my guest today knows exactly what will happen, because he had the courage to put this experiment to the test.   Our guest today is New York Times bestselling aut