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THMS 101: Natural Treatments For Asthma And How To Reset Your Immune System



It's called a medical paradox.... According to Harvard Medical School, despite an ever growing arsenal of powerful drugs and a deeper understanding of asthma symptoms, more people are dying from the disease than ever. It's depressing effects hit hardest in the millions of children that are living with asthma. There are over 7 million children with asthma in the U.S. alone, and that number is growing steadily each day. Einstein said, "We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them." So, to find a real solution for asthma, we have to step outside the conventional paradigm that is (admittedly) failing anyway. There are numerous natural treatments for asthma that are proven to be effective, but you may never hear about them if you don't know the right place to look. We are moving past the isolation-based thinking of finding more treatments for asthma symptoms and, instead, working intelligently to remove the underlying cause of the disease itself. That's what today's powerhouse ep