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TMHS 092: Top 15 Ways To Do HIIT For Fat Loss (And What Makes HIIT So Effective)



All exercise is not created equal. Just like calories, there are good forms, not-so-good forms, and everything in between. To get the body and health you want, it's critical that you learn to exercise smarter and not just harder. In our society of over-indulgence, we can latch on to the idea that if a little running is good, then running a half marathon a day must be better. Nothing could be further from the truth. What it boils down to is beginning with the end in mind. What are your real, desired goals? What is the end result that you really want? If you want to complete an Iron Man, fine, go for the endurance training to help you build the capacity to do it. If your goal is fat loss and looking better in your birthday suit, then I've got a much faster and more efficient way of helping you get there. It's called High Intensity Interval Training or you can call it HIIT for short. There isn't one single form of exercise that's more effective than HIIT for fat loss. Piles and piles of research are stacking up