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THMS 091: Conquering Diabesity - Natural Solutions For Diabetes And The Obesity Epidemic



A new term has been coined to demonstrate the parallel line between diabetes and obesity. Diabesity is the realization that diabetes and obesity go together like peanut butter and jelly, like spaghetti and meatballs, or like Doritos and chili cheese dogs (if you grew up like I did). The real underlying issue is that obesity and being dangerously overweight has become a societal norm. You will be shocked and a little disturbed when you find out what the statistics are today. But, more so, you're going to be driven like never before to not have your name listed in the ranks of people who are stricken with diabesity. This condition has become a societal norm because, as Dr. Francine Kaufman says, "Our ancient genes and our modern environment have collided." You can not go more than a couple miles in this country and not see a chain of fast food restaurants, we are bombarded by chemicals in our food, water, and air supply, and we are more overworked and under-rested than at any other point in human history. What