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TMHS 089: 180 Pound Weight Loss And The Ketogenic Diet - With Jimmy Moore



It's pretty astonishing when you see the before and after picture of an individual who's had the resolve to lose 80, 90, or even 100+ pounds. It's truly an act that puts them in a fraction of a fraction of the population who's been able to accomplish a feat like that. If they accomplished this naturally (without the use of drugs and surgery), you will often find that these individuals carry a secret that many people never hear about. Sure, they've "worked off" a lot of pounds by the decisions they've made in the kitchen and in the gym, but there was something more profound at work. If you were able to talk with them before and after the weight loss, you'd find out very quickly that, yes, they look different - but they are literally not the same person. The way they talk is different, their perception about reality is different, the way they carry themselves and relate to the world is often totally different. They changed who they are; not just what they do. The real secret is: Weight loss must never be the in