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TMHS 086: How To Create A Sleep Sanctuary And Get The Best Sleep Ever



We spend approximately 1/3 of our entire lives in a bedroom. That's a long time to be anywhere... This is what makes your bedroom such a special place. And the environment in this room, whether you realize it or not, has a huge impact on your health and longevity. How can a room actually dictate your health? To put it simply, humans are a direct product of their environment. Our brains are constantly creating and strengthening neuro-associations to the places we are the most (i.e. your bedroom!). This helps to automate our behavior. So, basically your bedroom has you programmed like a robot. That's right, you're sort of like a robot. Not as cool as Terminator 2, but not as clunky as the robot from Short Circuit. In all seriousness, your brain has evolved constantly looking for ways to automate things to free up mental energy. Your bedroom setup will inherently influence your behavior, and if great sleep is a behavior you want to take part in, then listen to this closely. There are certain things you're about