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TMHS 081: Tips For Dining Out At Restaurants, Family Get Togethers, And How To Stay Healthy During The Holidays



The word 'restaurant' is derived from the French word restaurer which means to restore. It was originally used in France in the 16th century to describe a thick, inexpensive soup sold by street vendors that were storied to restore your health. Fast forward to today... The word restaurant now means that I'm probably going to end up bloated and questioning why I ate so much. Most of the restaurants in the U.S. are geared towards having a party in your mouth by any means necessary. If that means extra sugar, so be it! Extra trans fats and rancid oils, bring it on! Little bits of nutrition, but big chunks of chemicals, additives, and preservatives, let's go! They want your business, which is fine, but the way they go about doing it is far from the concern of restoring your health. Is this all restaurants? Of course not, but until the recent wave of more health conscious cooking, most restaurants were operating in the nutritional dark ages. Fortunately, today we have access to so many amazing restaurants and vario