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TMHS 078: How Taboos Control Your Life: Your Teeth, Your Clothes, Your Sexual Desires & More - With Daniel Vitalis



It's even taboo to talk about taboos. Even though we may not realize it, our social taboos are able to keep us imprisoned within our own minds. Don't you want to know what invisible forces are governing the way you think, feel, and function on a daily basis? Don't you want to know why you do what you do? Well, even if you did, it's very difficult to find out what they are because they are usually a "blind spot" in our consciousness. I'm not talking about science fiction, and Neo waking up from a dream within The Matrix. I'm talking about science fact, and how our perception of reality is largely governed by beliefs that we never got to choose ourselves. Could your faulty beliefs be causing you to struggle and fail repeatedly in your life? This is where a teacher like Daniel Vitalis come in... He can instantly redirect your focus to help you see the things in your life that are hiding in plain sight. I often say that our relationships are the #1 most influential factor on our health and happiness. Why this epi