The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

TMHS 063: Why You Need To Detox, Bulletproof Your Kidneys, And Sleep For Success - With Sheleana Jennings



Everyday the vast majority of your body's energy is used to digest, assimilate, and eliminate the resources you consume. The resources I'm speaking of are the foods you eat, the liquids you drink, and the air that you breathe. Today, we only experience a fraction of our body's true potential energy. So much of our energy is being tied up in digesting food that our bodies are unable to do the deeper house cleaning that we truly need. Your body's first priority is to handle the food that's coming into it because that's your cellular frontline. What comes in your mouth can take you out of this life fast, so your immune system and other support must be present in your gut and on guard at all times. Add to that the fact that today we have endless meals being thrown in there and we've got a serious energy siphoning happening. Most of us don't know the art and science of eating lightly or fasting for even a short time period. For many of us, breakfast is being pushed through by lunch, is pushed through by dinner, is