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TMHS 055: Why We Age - What Will Make You Age Faster - And How To Stay Younger, Longer



Have you ever wondered why you look radically different from when you were a 1-year old baby? I mean, what happened?! Was this big 'ol body really contained within that little body? Today you're going to find out how we actually age, and demystify most of the taboo subject of aging. We're also going to discuss, in-depth, what can actually accelerate your aging process, and cause you to decline in function much sooner than you are genetically wired to. Plus, we're going to get into the good stuff and talk about the latest anti-aging research. You're going to learn newly discovered secrets that actually hold the key to possibly turning back the clock and revealing a younger, healthier version of you. Get ready, because this is powerful! In this episode you'll discover: How specific structures within your body can tell you how long you're going to live. Why your DNA is able to "print out" different copies of you (this is a MUST KNOW!) What the Hayflick Limit is and how it impacts the life of your cells. Why you