The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

TMHS 046: How To Improve Your Self-Esteem, Build Confidence, And Strengthen Your Body Image



In this episode of The Model Health Show we're covering the important topic of body image and self-esteem. Recently there's been alarming data revealed about body image and the media. We are trained, at an early age, to under-appreciate ourselves, and strive for a programmed belief of what perfection is. Most people today struggle with body image issues. Yet, it's something that's hardly ever discussed because it's so deeply ingrained in our culture to have them. Today we're going to shine a light on a major problem that's at the core of eating disorders, depression, and numerous other issues affecting our health and happiness. By the end of the show, you'll know exactly how to create a positive body image, and use it as a catalyst for a healthier, happier life. In this episode you'll discover: How a video revealed that people view themselves as less attractive than they really are. How magazines and popular media are tricking people into false expectations. What important realization we need to have about u