The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

TMHS 040: How Sitting Can Destroy Your Health (Even If You Exercise)



In this episode of The Model Health Show we're breaking down the new research showing that sitting too much is as bad for you as smoking cigarettes. Hearing something like this may be hard to believe, but the data is in, and the numbers don't lie. We are a culture that loves our comfy chairs and couches. There's more on t.v., infinite things to do on the internet, and just sitting around talking is a favorite pastime as well. There is nothing inherently wrong with any of that, but the uninterrupted hours we spend doing it all is destroying our health. The impact on our waistline, the impact on our health biomarkers, the impact it has on nearly aspect of our lives is going to shock you. And what do we do about it anyway once we know the truth? You're about to learn about that as well and I promise it's going to be a life-saver. In this episode you'll discover: What new religion has been created by chronic sitting. The #1 reason that sitting too much is as bad for you as smoking. The shocking number of hours t