The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

TMHS 032: Why Cutting Calories Will Never Work For Long-Term Weight Loss, Anti-Aging Medicine, and How Stress Makes You Fat



In this episode of The Model Health Show we're diving deep into the world of sustainable weight loss. Have you ever wondered "how" your body actually gains weight? What's going on in your body that actually makes this process happen? Well, today we're going to break this down in simple way that everyone can use to their advantage. We're also going to discuss the leading anti-aging research to see how it relates to weight loss as well. There are so many critical angles that are being overlooked in the discussion of weight loss, and that's what this series leading up to New Year, New Body 2014 is all about (make sure to get registered for the live event if you haven't already). To wrap things up we're going to cover a subject that's in a lot of people's blind spot keeping them tired, overweight, and depressed: STRESS. This is an action-packed new episode, so buckle your seatbelt and let's get to it! In this episode you'll discover: A subconscious reason why people lose weight then gain it all back again. Why y