The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

TMHS 017: Fat Loss Motivation Tips - Here's 15 Tips To Stay Motivated To Exercise



In this episode of The Model Health Show we're focusing on specific tips to keep you motivated to exercise and take care of your body.  Now, these aren't just any tips, I'm sharing fail-proof strategies to help you get into the best shape of your life. Where your mind goes, your body will follow. You absolutely must have strategies in place for when the going gets tough, stress is creeping up, and you're thinking about taking a few days off OR calling it quits all together. Your success depends on what you do in the long-term and the strategies you have to make it happen. Get ready because you're about to learn life-changing tips that will help you get there and never look back. In this episode you'll discover: How watching a simple youtube video can train your brain to desire exercise. Why music can be extremely helpful to put you in the right state for working out. A simple trick to pre-program your cells to respond to music. What quality you need to AVOID in a workout partner. Why personal trainers are