The Mating Grounds Podcast

How Do I Get Over Impostor Syndrome?



This caller has the mating equivalent of a white people problem. He has a great girlfriend but doesn't believe he's good enough. Many guys have this issue of Imposter Syndrome when they are improving in dating and other areas of life. Tucker and Charlie have talked about this on Helping Joe when he loses confidence on dates. In this Q&A episode, Tucker, Nils, and Dr. Miller explain exactly what Imposter Syndrome is, why it's common with rapid improvement, and how it can be ridiculously arrogant. They talk about mental frameworks for overcoming this ineffective thinking, recognizing your high and realistic mate value, and building true confidence when more women are attracted to you.  This episode is sponsored by Dude Wipes, the first flushable wipes for men. Check them out on Amazon for free shipping and sales this month.