The Mating Grounds Podcast

Bad Advice From The Internet: "What To Do If She Says She Has A Boyfriend."



What's The Bad Advice?   A lot of creepy pickup websites gives lines to use or tactics to ignore, isolate, keep pushing, and "attract" a woman when she says she has a boyfriend. This applies to short-term mating situations.    Why This Is Bad Advice?    You are wasting your time talking to someone who is not into you. Creepy dudes give this creepy advice because many of the guys they are marketing to who follow pickup crap get this response a lot, "Sorry I have a boyfriend." because the women they are talking to are weirded out.  This is a polite way of saying "please, leave me alone."   The Better Advice Is Short And Simple    If a girl tells you that she has a boyfriend in the first 30 minutes or so of talking to her, she's not into you. Go talk to other girls who are.   There are exceptions to the rule (like everything in life), which Tucker talks about in the rest of this episode, but 95% of the time you are just bothering her and better off talking to girls who don't tell you that they have boyfriends.