A Better Life W/ Rachel Rofe - Practical Personal Development For An Amazing Life + Business

How you can fit exercise into a crazy-busy work day



I originally became very interested in learning how to incorporate more exercise into your day when I read how harmful sitting for 8 hours a day is, even if you spend an hour a day at the gym. Since I learned about that, I’ve done all kinds of things to get in as much movement as possible. I’m proud to say that I now average walking 8 miles a day. In this post I’m going to share exactly how I do that, plus how you can fit exercise into a packed-to-the-brim schedule. #1: If you can get a treadmill desk, get one. Links: http://rachelrofe.com/treadmill http://standdesk.co/ http://rachelrofe.com/deskbike #2: Reward yourself with walks. #3: Pace.#4: Get a FitBit if you can. Links: http://rachelrofe.com/5-things-i-track-in-my-business-every-single-day http://rachelrofe.com/fitbithttp://rachelrofe.com/fitbitfriend   #5: Do 7 minute workouts. #6: Schedule your exercise classes. Bonus: tell your friends about them. http://ginnymuir.com/ #7: Incorporate it into your morning routine. http://rachelrofe.com/hal-elrod-on-