80s Cartoon Podcast

Episode 51 - Heathcliff



Episode 51 - Heathcliff Wow it has taken us 51 episodes to get to Heathcliff, for shame!  Well we finally got here this week we take our plane / boat Cadillac and head to the junkyard as we hang with Heathcliff and the Catillac Cats.  This week we review Season 1 Episode 49: Boom Boom Pussini - Beach Blanket Mungo.  Join us as we double dip and help train Heathcliff for hiss big pro wrasslin debut (you know Cody will WWF out!).  After that we head to the beach to shred some gnar waves in the annual Beach-Blanket-Surf-Off-a-Thon (presented from Mountain Dew).