Food For Thought: The Joys And Benefits Of Living Vegan

Being the Vegan in the Room - Representing Veganism in a Joyful Way



In today's episode, I share with you a number of recent scenarios I found myself in where I had the opportunity to represent veganism and chose (choose) to do so in a positive way, whether it's ordering food in a non-vegan restaurant, dropping the "v" word into a non-vegan conversation, or meeting a friend of a friend who is on the Paleo (Pasturbation) diet. I also include a number of "What Would Colleen Do?" phone calls, including one that asks what I (as a vegan) feed my cats, one that asks about how to "be the vegan in the room" - or rather "in the workplace" - from a woman starting a new job, and one from a caller who wants to know how to engage with her mother, who has just been diagnosed with cancer and does want to hear about how a plant-based diet might help.