Polyamory Weekly

514: How do I tell my partner no?



How do I say "no" to a reasonable request from my partner? 0:00 Introduction and host chat Under 18? Stop listening now and visit http://www.scarleteen.com Today’s cohost is Kevin Patterson 1:30 Announcements and host chat Multilinking conference 3:45 Topic: how do I tell my partner no? Eva writes in to ask how to tell her partner no to a request. Her partner Lisa wants an additional date night each week, but Eva doesn’t feel she can give that and wants to take time to settle into her nesting relationship with Denise. How does she say no to Lisa?  9:15 Feedback Vir Modestus took issue with our advice in episode 507 How do I get control of my fears?, and even wrote up a blog post about his frustration with “you’re insecure” being used as a way to dismiss someone else’s emotional reponse. 23:15 Happy poly moment Kevin shares a happy family poly moment 24:45 How to make this podcast better Questions? Comments? Feedback? Email polyweekly@gmail.com and attach an audio comment or call the listener comment line at