Changeability Podcast: Manage Your Mind - Change Your Life

CA024: 5 words for a great year ahead



5 words for a great year ahead The power of words  There is power in words. We all know the power of words to motivate, educate and communicate. We use words to communicate with each other and also with ourselves. Our thoughts are formed in words and we have an inner-voice that commentates on what we do and think, and not always in the most positive of ways! So why not use your words to your advantage? One way of doing this is to have a few well-chosen words that sum up the essence of what you want to achieve or experience in the year ahead. These become your words for the year. The idea is you write them out and place them where you will see them every day. And you regularly repeat them, think about them, look at them and use them, until they’re impressed onto your subconscious and become part of how you think, act and behave. In short, these words work as shorthand for your aspirations and as affirmation of the way you want to be. They are a reminder of your goals and reinforcement for your intentions. Yo