Knowledge For Men – more Purpose, Success, Happiness & Freedom

How to Tap into the Transformative Power of Real Productivity With Charles Duhigg



Charles Duhigg is a Pulitzer-prize winning reporter and the author of Smarter Faster Better, about the science of productivity and The Power of Habit, about the science of habit formation in our lives, companies, and societies. You can connect with him and learn more at Favorite Success Quote “Think more deeply about what’s going on so that I can determine how I should respond?” Key Points 1. Ask Yourself “What Do I Really Want Out of This?” One of the greatest tragedies of modern society is that most people are vigorously pursuing goals that aren’t congruent with who they are and what they really want. Society, our friends, and our families all encourage us to earn more money, pack on more muscle, get married (or not), buy a house, and do what “good” little boys do. Unfortunately, most people never actually take the time to ask themselves what they really want. They never set aside the time to think purposefully about their life, their vision, and their goals. As a result, more and more p