Inspired Conversations With Amy Schuber

119 Poetry, Astrology & Wisdom from Heidi Rose Robbins



Heidi Rose Robbins' first book of poetry, This Beckoning Ceaseless Beauty, was released to enthusiastic reviews in 2013. Of the book, author Danielle LaPorte wrote, "These poems make me want to live more fully, deeply...Heidi Rose Robbins notices the beauty of life." In addition to her work as a poet, Heidi has supported many men and women through life transitions as an esoteric astrologer and as the leader of Radiant Life retreats, in which she teaches women how to live fuller, more expressive and courageously loving lives. She's a founding member of The Hello Love Experiment (, a radical on-going project of naming, embodying, and realizing love in the world. Heidi lives in Southern California with her husband, Andrew Heffernan, and two children, Kate and Dylan. Learn more about her poetry, retreats and grounded approach to astrology at