Inspired Conversations With Amy Schuber

EP 39 Lora Krulak



Lora Krulak, Amazon best selling author, of Veggies For Carnivores, nutritional muse, chef, healer, and certified globetrotter. If there was a PhD for mind, body & soul geekdom, she’d have it hanging in a bamboo frame in her office by now!   For 10 years, Lora’ s been helping women understand their unique bodies,repair their relationship with fitness, food and their bodies, and build a fun-filled lifestyle they love. She explores everything from the state of their kitchens to the way they breathe while eating. No stone left unturned! No veggie left unloved!   In short: She knows the fast path to results. she’ll get you off your butt and into action. Lora helps people design a nourishing way of life that’s so simple, it becomes as natural as breathing.