Yoga Classes - Live Love Teach - Yoga Teacher Training School

45-minute Dynamic VInyasa Flow followed by Yoga Nidra



Here is a 45-minute Dynamic Vinyasa class.  Philip Urso starts it and Stacy Dockins finishes it  -as usual we assume you already know basic alignment and want to flow.    Then Deborah Williamson takes you through a 35-minute Yoga Nidra.  If you have never done the Yoga Nidra- “yogic sleep” you may find it exceptionally restful.  One study I saw claimed 1-hour of Nidra was equivalent to 4-hours of “regular sleep.  You could use these together or apart!  The Nidra begins at about 42 minutes in--- Enjoy!    Live music by Kellie Lin Knott – if you listen you can hear a big fire crackling in the fireplace.    It you’re ready to practice, get into Chair pose, Utkatasana right now!