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#176 How to Avoid Mold, Flame Retardants, VOCs, & Hidden Toxins w/ Building Biologist Corinne Segura



Corinne Segura is a building biologist who had extreme chemical and mold sensitivities when she first set out to build a chemical-free tiny house. The research and testing of those materials is what sparked the creation of the My Chemical Free House blog. Corinne and I nerd out on how to avoid chemicals that are making you weak in your home, car, RV, etc.!  We want to make sure you stay as healthy as possible and eliminate things that make you weak from your environment.  We talk about some crazy stuff to avoid including:  MOLD Moldy Movie a great (free!) documentary by Dave Asprey What to look out for in home inspections  Cheryl Ceicko is a great resource!  Homebiotic-- a probiotic you can spray on your walls!  Corinne’s recipe for her a probiotic spray she puts on her skin. Mother Dirt the over the counter probiotic spray. Corinne recommends keeping an eye on your humidity with a simple $15 meter.    PLASTICS Arleen Blum is an amazing scientist who you should know!  Matt’s Reverse Osmosis water f