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#173 Receive $1000 per month from US Presidential Candidate Andrew Yang and his Freedom Dividend



Andrew Yang is a serial entrepreneur, author, and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate. In 2011, he founded the non-profit Venture for America, with the mission “to create economic opportunity in American cities by mobilizing the next generation of entrepreneurs and equipping them with the skills and resources they need to create jobs.” Andrew who began his career as a corporate attorney also wrote the books Smart People Should Build Things and The War on Normal People. In the latter, he detailed the massive employment crisis that’s already underway and how the shift can affect tens of millions of Americans. He also laid out what he believes is a roadmap to a better future and it starts with the Freedom Dividend, a Universal Basic Income of $1000 a month for every American adult aged 18 to 64. Because of his extensive work and contribution, Yang was named as a Champion of Change by the Obama White House in 2012. In 2015, the Obama White House again acknowledged him as a Presidential Ambassador for Global En