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#146 Supercharge Your Productivity with GTD’s David Allen, Getting Things Done



David Allen is a productivity consultant hailed as the leading authority in the fields of personal and organizational productivity. He is also the founder of the David Allen Company, an executive coaching organization that uses his “Getting Things Done” (GTD) methodology. Getting Things Done is a work-life management system that has helped countless organisations and individuals bring order to chaos. After spending decades doing in-the-field research and practicing his productivity methods, David wrote the book Getting Things Done. The international best seller was published in over 28 languages and was heralded by TIME magazine as “the defining self-help business book of its time.” He released a new version of the book in 2015, complete with new updates, insights, and discoveries on the GTD methodology. The brilliance of the GTD method has earned it an almost cult-like following, with Wired calling it “a new cult for the info age.” His ideas has also been popularized on the Howard Stern Show as well as on bl