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#90 Optimize Your Internal Environment Through Genetic Wellness With Dr Sharad Paul



Dr Sharad Paul, author of the book “The Genetics of Health,” has lived across the world over the years. In addition to being an author, he is also an evolutionary biologist and holds a Masters in Medical Law and Ethics /Master of Philosophy from the University of Glasgow. He is currently completing a Doctor of Philosophy based on his groundbreaking research into the best skin lines for cutaneous surgery. His Skin Surgery Clinic has one of the largest series of skin cancer patients worldwide, with over 100,000 consultations and 45,000 operations since the clinic opened in 1996. He initially trained in general and plastic surgery and is currently a Fellow of the Skin Cancer College of Australasia, and is also a Distinguished Fellow of the Royal NZ College of General Practitioners. Our episode this week is all about the role of genetics in health, specifically discussing wellness measures we can take based on testing our genetic background. We discuss the roles Omega 3 and Vitamin D play in health, the evolution