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#82 Become the Architect of Your Environment w. Leo Babauta of Zen Habits



Leo Babauta is a writer from Guam, who was once deeply in debt, overweight, and a smoker. Within a few short years, he completely eliminated his debt, lost 65 pounds, quit smoking and started Zen Habits which was named Top 25 Blogs by Time Magazine (twice!). Leo has a wide range of accomplishments from writing a best selling productivity e-book, to creating a habit membership program that helps thousands of people change their habits. Today, more than 200K subscribers read Leo’s work on Zen Habits where he discusses in greater detail many of the topics we cover in this episode. We speak about a wide range of topics from overcoming bad habits and urges, to practicing non judgmentalness. Each of the topics we discuss have made a positive impact in Leo’s life and he shares these lessons brilliantly throughout our conversation. Learn how to let go and even embrace discomfort, strangeness, and resistance through this conversation with Leo Babauta of Zen Habits.