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#51 The Human Journey: Embrace Your Calling and Use Travel as a Way to Catalyze Transformation w/ Nathaniel Boyle of The Travelers Podcast



  Nathaniel Boyle is Host of The Travelers Podcast which has been downloaded over 400,000 times, was named by The White House as one of the Top 100 Influencers in Travel and the Founder of the travel community Holocene.   "Is your paycheck paying your emotional bills?” this week’s guest asks me...   Are you listening to your call to fully embrace the human journey?  Do you need motivation to push yourself outside of your comfort zone?     Start being comfortable with being uncomfortable and learn the following formula:    Curiosity + Creativity = Transformation   Not only is this a great philosophical conversation, but you’ll learn how Nathaniel Boyle quit his fast paced startup job, bought an around the world ticket, and started his journey on the island of Fiji, on his way to becoming a podcaster, freelancer, and entrepreneur.