Home Work

#286: The Stress of Taking Time Off



Harry and Dave discuss how to prepare for a vacation so you can actually relax instead of worrying about what might be going on at the office. Sponsor This episode is sponsored by Baronfig. Use code HOMEWORK21 at checkout and save 20% on all purchases of $50 or more. Dave's Tool of the Week Serenity Harry's Tool of the Week AlphaSmart Links "Hundreds of Frito-Lay workers on strike in Topeka, citing forced overtime and 84-hour workweeks" Visit Us On the Web Head on over to thehomeworkpodcast.com to get each new episode every Tuesday. Support Your Local Bookshop You can now help Home Work and your local bookstore by buying books through our new custom Bookshop.org affiliate link. If we mention a book on the show, you'll find it there--and purchasing through that link nets a little extra money for the show, too. Support Us On Patreon Home Work Podcast Patreon - contribute $5 or $10 a month and get access to bonus episodes, live sessions, worksheets, early access to episodes, an