Pedia Pain Focus

Real vs. Fake: The Look of Pain!



What does pain look like? In today’s episode, I discuss different ways in which our biases and experiences can often overshadow the experience of the patient, impact clinician-patient encounters and the importance of context in every situation.    Is there a specific look to pain? Have you ever wondered if a patient is exaggerating their pain? It is common for chronic pain sufferers to hear comments like, “But you look so normal, you can’t be in that much pain.” These comments can be especially detrimental coming from a physician.    I also discuss the "Catch 22 of pain" where we emphasize improvement in function over reduction in pain scores for the optimal outcomes, and also undermine patient's pain intensity watching them follow that advice!    Takeaways in This Episode The automatic assumptions about pain When should you believe the self report of pain. How accurate is the statement "When someone says they’re in pain, they’re in pain" ?  Considering the context of the situation, the patients’ previous ex