Starseed Radio Academy

Fresh off the Starship



Ann Crawford is a lightworker and an award-winning and bestselling author of six books with a couple more on the way. With her trademark optimism, her life-affirming books weave tales of love and intrigue that take readers on mystical journeys. Her characters live radiant lives touched by magic, an ability Ann believes we all have. In particular, she loves writing about Starseed subjects:       Fresh off the Starship: a romantic comedy about a starbeing sent to help humanity       Life in the Hollywood Lane: about an actor dealing with the suicide of her best friend, but also funny and quirky       Spellweaver: a mystical story about a healer during the Burning Times       Angels on Overtime: a romantic comedy about angels and the humans under their watch       Mary's Message: about Mary Magdalene and Yeshua       Visioning: about manifesting the life of your dreams Her books are available on Amazon and Barnes & Ann has traveled the world -- to all 50 states and 75 countries so far, inc