Y.I.E.L.D. Today With Dallin Candland

Be Kind on The Battlefield of Life - #10



We are all going through something hard right now. I learned this at in my teenage years, and now I try to be willing to help out others wherever I go. Here's three stories from my life on this subject, each with three lessons attached. Hope you enjoy. Also it's the 10th episode! I'm very excited for the future of this podcast. The support is greatly appreciated! :)Lessons Learned From The Stories Told:1. It doesn't matter where you are.2. Remember the quote "Encourage me and I will not forget you."3. It's not too late.Ready to start your podcast?I personally would recommend using BuzzSprout. It is what I use and is super simple. I would recommend you use Pat Flynn's link as you'll get lifetime more minutes but I have mine there as well (with mine you'll get a $20 Amazon Gift Card after your 2nd month of membership at no extra cost to me).Ultimately I just want to help you get started! Go with one of these (BuzzSprout, Anchor, or Sounder.fm) and don't loo