Mind Matters With Rex Urwin And Catherine Connolly Podcast

Understanding Your Enneagram



Understanding Your Enneagram Have you ever considered what makes people ‘tick’? Have you struggled with communication challenges because the person you’re trying to talk to can’t seem to understand your unique point of view or perspective? Welcome to the world of Enneagrams. In this podcast episode we have a chat with Michael White, a Sunshine Coast counsellor and Youth Worker about the tool of the Enneagram test, a theory which describes nine different personalities, and its value in self discovery. “15 years ago, I met a lady who introduced me to the Enneagram and it had such a profound effect in my own personal life that I knew one day I would share it with other people” - Michael White Michael was drawn into the Enneagram tool as it also includes a spiritual dynamic which not many people in the business realm were considering. It was previously a tool he was only using personally, to help develop a healthier relationship with himself and further discover and define his sense of purpose. Understanding