Mind Matters With Rex Urwin And Catherine Connolly Podcast

Smart Habits For Working From Home



With the effects of the Global Pandemic becoming very present in our lives, many businesses have been forced to transition their model into a work from home option. While, for many, this can sound like a dream come true, working from home adds it's own stresses and complexities into our already busy lives! In this podcast Catherine Connolly chats with Internet TV host, TV presenter and serial entrepreneur Monique Bradley around the concepts of considering how to disconnect from 'work mode' and transition into 'home mode' with a few simple habits worth trying. "Now it's vitally important to get the balance right, to maximise how our brain can more effectively work. Sometimes people may spend hours, upon hours, upon hours working with no break and yes, they're busy, but the level of productivity is probably far less effective and efficient as if they did it in that increments where your brain's more 'on'. Repetition of new habits creates better results." PLUS: head to our website and gain access to our 2 bon