Mind Matters With Rex Urwin And Catherine Connolly Podcast

Naomi Smith: Surviving Breast Cancer With Powerful Choices



Battling, Surviving and Celebrating Survival from Breast Cancer October is the Pink Month for Australia, the time to discuss and learn about breast cancer. It is also a time when women celebrate their successes against the disease, when survivors band together in common cause with those still fighting their battles.    In this October podcast, we were lucky enough to have interviewed Naomi Smith -- banking and finance expert, executive coach and breast cancer survivor. Naomi is or was one of 53 women in Australia diagnosed with cancer every day. She knows the difficulties and challenges, the many choices available and how a choice-empowered personal journey of healing can make a difference.  Episode Highlights Preliminary discussion, mention of October as pink ribbon month for Australian women fighting or who have survived breast cancer. Naomi's background story, the shock of discovering she had cancer. Discussion of stories and statistics of the disease that affects one in seven women in the country. Dis