Mind Matters With Rex Urwin And Catherine Connolly Podcast

How To Break Free From The Stories Holding You Back From Business Success



This is the second instalment of a three-part series based on the stories we tell ourselves and how they affect the results we achieve in life. As we explored in the first of the series, the human brain becomes habituated. It learns by engaging the nervous system, the memory system and the sensory system  and repetition of patterns over time makes something seem ‘normal’. So, to rewrite a story that's habituated, you need to first undo it in those places in a particular way. Essentially this means releasing it before replacing the old story with a new one. Episode Highlights: What is the story you’ve been telling yourself? Reflect on your current/old story to begin to release it to make way for a new one ‘Listen’ to your posture - are you slumped over (sad) or tense and rigid (anxious)? It’s common for business owners to find themselves in a state of anxiety on a regular basis Recognise whether you’re reactive at work and in your personal life Moving towards being proactive rather than reactive Are you try