Mind Matters With Rex Urwin And Catherine Connolly Podcast

Are You Building A Business To Last?



While holidaying in Europe we had the opportunity to visit Sainte-Chapelle, a 13th century Gothic church in Paris near Notre Dame, one of many hundreds of stunning churches throughout Europe. Apart from its beauty, it also inspired me to think about ‘the work’ that went into it, and how the results and impact of that work still live on today. Many of us stop to marvel at the incredible architecture and artisanship of this era, and the time and effort that went in to design and create exquisite works like these. Works that leave people awestruck at the vision and the execution, even centuries after the last stone was laid. Imagine what your business could become if you ‘designed’ and built it with the same precision as these architects did centuries ago. Imagine if you took the time to create something of beauty, to create a business and a lifestyle of beauty. What if you took the time to slowly and elegantly create something with a beautiful structure and abundance that lasts forever, that lasts as a legac