Astrology Bytes With Theresa Reed

Void of Course Moon



Episode 90. The void-of-course Moon occurs when the Moon makes one last major aspect before heading from one zodiac sign to the next. In other words: it’s like this - the Moon in Gemini forms an aspect, say a trine with Jupiter and it’s the last aspect before the Moon enters Cancer. The period between that aspect and the Moon changing signs is the void-of-course period. The void-of-course moon may last a few minutes or hours. When the Moon is void of course, it’s like a cosmic time out. This is not the period to start new things. Instead, you want to take care of things that already in motion. It’s not a good time to launch a business, start a new project, or legal proceedings. In fact, I don’t even recommend it for a first date! Learn more in this quick tutorial!