Astrology Bytes With Theresa Reed




Episode 53: Interception is not just some sci-fi DiCaprio movie (although that movie is cool).  In astrology, an interception happens when you have a house larger than 30 degrees and an entire sign becomes part of that house. When viewing an astrology chart, you’ll notice that one sign seems to float in the middle of a house - that sign is intercepted. If a planet is in the intercepted sign in that house, it’s intercepted too. Interception always happens in pairs - if one sign is intercepted, the sign directly across from it will be intercepted too. In this episode, we'll cover what interception is and how you might interpret it. Sites mentioned in this episode include Llewellyn and Bob Marks Astrology. Book mentioned in this episode is How to Get More Love, Money, and Success by Traveling on Your Birthday by Bob Marks.