Sunny 16 Podcast

Ep. 241: Clichés or Clichyays?



It's Cheap Shots Challenge judgement time again, drawing to a close the Clichés round. Joining the team to offer his wit, wisdom and highly judgmental nature is the one and only Paul Mckay from Analogue wonderland!  This podcast is available to watch on Youtube: Or if you would like to look at the pictures we discuss, you can find them here: Huge thank you to everyone who took part, you guys are AWESOME! Many thanks to Paul, you can find everything Analogue Wonderland at Special thanks to Alex Purcell for the fabulous zine of his pinhole work. Alex is @grainyblur on Instagram and Twitter and well worth a follow as he's a talented delight. Details of Ethan Moses' new slide digitizing doodad, the BoopBoop trigger here: