Choir Ninja, With Ryan Guth

Starting a Middle School Feeder Program, with Adam Serpa



The best way to grow your current high school choral program is to fertilize the soil. Start a great middle school feeder program, so that in high school you can spend less time on basic choir fundamentals and more time in depth with the music. Don’t worry if that seems like an impossible task; Adam Serpa breaks down all the steps for you. So whether you are faced with revitalizing a withered existing program, or planting something brand new, we’ve got the information you need to get started now.   [Subscribe on iTunes] [Subscribe on Android]   Highlight to Tweet: “Keep loving the kids. Be those relationships, and build good music.” -Adam Serpa Show Notes: The need for Middle School Choir Feeder Programs Maybe your current feeder program for your high school is weak Maybe it doesn’t exist Either way, your next steps are the same. Making the case to Administrators in the Community Could you imagine a district that didn’t start math until high school? Choir is like any other subject. Start