Choir Ninja, With Ryan Guth

Choir Ninja Rewind: 5 considerations for writing a bio people actually care about, with Stevie Berryman



Since she’s away at choir camp, it’s “Stevie Week” on the Choir Ninja podcast. Today’s episode is a re-airing of one of our top Technique Tuesdays from the Find Your Forte podcast. It’s about how to write a bio that makes audiences root for you before you even step foot on stage. This one is perfect for conductors, teachers, and performers alike. Enjoy! Listen: Show Notes: Ready to write your own? Here’s how to do it: Step 1: Know who you are. That is not the same as knowing what you do. This is about identifying your brand, whatever it is that makes you special. If you cannot articulate in a few clear sentences exactly who you are, then you need to go back and listen to Technique Tuesday episode 16, where Ryan explains how to find your “Why.” Step 2: List your wins. You are good at something that no one will ever give you an award for. Make a list. Maybe you make a great martini. Maybe you are ambidextrous. Maybe you once performed an original kazoo solo in a talent show. Don’t tell us the things you are bes