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160 Voiceover Artist Uses His Comic Book Hobby To Keep Life Fun; A Chat With Tim Paige



Tim Paige has a great hobby. He’s a comic book enthusiast, and he loves to help people move into the world of comic books who are unsure where to start. Maybe you’ve seen a movie or a show relating to a comic book series, and you’d like to tune into the story in a more in-depth way. There is almost a century’s worth of stories out there, and this might turn out to be a newly discovered love. Check out Tim’s podcast called Getting Into Comics. I see Tim as a truly mindful guy, and we’ll be talking about the interesting relationship between Mindfulness and Comics. [show-notes-bio] Contact InfoWebsite: www.TheVoiceOfTimPaige.com Podcast: www.GettingIntoComics.com Instagram: @TheVoiceOfTimPaige [show-notes-contact] Most Influential PersonMy Dad. He's a great example of somebody that's very mindful. He doesn't meditate or do thoughtfulness activities; he's just with you anytime you are with him. I don't know if I've ever known anybody that's like that so naturally. I know a lot of people who have worked real