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064 Surround Yourself With Positive People says Danny 'Godfree' Pena of GamerTag Radio



Danny Pena, also known as Godfree, is a gamer, events host and podcaster of GamerTag Radio. As a well-known on-line gaming celebrity, Danny believes in using focus and mindfulness to stay on track and keep himself  organized and grounded. He puts a lot of emphasis on the valueof his team and his family, sticking with the idea that it's critical to surround yourself with positive people so you can send out positive vibes to your followers. Danny was the keynote speaker at Podfest 2016 in Tampa, Florida in February, where he told his fascinating life story and shared inside secrets of his success. Contact InfoWebsite: www.GamerTagRadio.com Website: play.it/gamertag   (This is the CBS Website) Twitter: @Godfree or @GamerTagRadio Facebook: GamerTagRadio Podcast: GamerTag Radio  (Find it on any app that searches podcasts) Most Influential PersonDanny's Grandmother bought him a gaming console when he was a kid. Effect on EmotionsI'm a cancer and as a cancer I can take a lot of things really personally. I've been